Saturday, July 26, 2008

Coincidence or discrimination?

Went to the shop today to find a pair of sneakers for use on the track day tomorrow. Strangely enough, i found myself in a deja-vu. I can't seem to find one that fits me. The strange thing is, they have sizes for smaller feet (up to 9 or 10) and they have big ones (13 upwards), but the never seem to have for the middle bit (11&12), the size i'm using.
For heavens sake, is this a coincide AGAIN or is it a matter of discrimination against us lot with the 'somewhere in the middle' sized feet?
Guess it's time to find out...

Bon Odori Festival pics~~~

These are the pics as promised. Sorry it was a bit on the late side, but still, its better than not posting any at all.

p/s: The pics aren't placed in the order they were taken. There were some videos taken, but i couldn't be bothered to post it here...

The drum beaters ready for action... hold on. One of 'em got a broken arm! Talk about dedication to work!!!

Some VIP making the opening speech; "Aaa... Good morning..", he said. Odd

More ladies in Kimonos...

And the crowd goes wild! Not. This is the main stage and all of the visitors/participants as seen from the main building of the sports complex...

Some of the visitors chilling out

A tribute to the photographers (Amateurs and Pros). The event must've been a slice of heaven for them...

A shot of the evening sky before the event

A Japanese kid playing with the water-balloon-yoyo-thing

Some of the crowds which turned up in a Kimono or Yukata

Dancers and drummers getting ready for the event.

A tribute to the RELA officers. Without them, who knows how ugly the event could've turned out to be...

Some of the Malay ladies with kimonos posing with a Japanese lady and her daughters.

The main stage in the middle of the sports complex field.

Kawaii~~~ 4 Japanese girls striking a pose with their Kimonos. If any of you are reading this, please contact me...

More girls running around with their Kimonos

Another group of Malay ladies striking a pose with their Kimonos

The scene of the food-stalls area

Woah... more Malay ladies with Kimonos

Some old guy trying to attract customers to his stall...

Someone's balloon in the sky...