Noticed that the management of the apartment i bought recently put up a signage board telling us to park our vehicles within the apartment compound at our own risk. Odd. Then what pupose does the hired security guards have? Toll booth / Gate controller? i also remembered that most shopping malls are the same. Park at your own risk.
Look, the sole purpose of the security guard is to guard our security. This in turn encapsulates our personal belonggings and stuff (house and car). If we are to park at our own risk, ensure that we take good care of our house's security and the management aren't responsible for the loss of our stuff within the compound... then the security guard isn't necessary at all. A total waste of the residents'/shopper's money.
Read in today's free copy of The Sun that a well known guy and his wife had undergone 'assisted suicide'. Read more on the net or something. The point i'd like to make here is that, assisted or not, suicide is a definite no-no. If you believe in God (i believe in Him), then you should know that only He is allowed to take your life. For He created you and He knows where He set your end. We don't know and we're not given the privellege to do so. So please people, believe in Him. All that happens in life is due to His will. We as human can only try, but is He who will determine everything.
p/s: The quickie will now come with a short title as to give a glimpse of what i'm blogging about. Helps you to avoid reading boring stuff that i put up. Hahahaha~~~
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