Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Artworks

Haven't posted any of my artworks for a while. Slipped of my mind, and because there's no internet within my grasp (that's why i'm in this CC today. Thank god)

Anyways, below are the artworks for the month (and January for that matter). The calendar for January was scrapped mainly due to the file being corrupted before i can finish it. Nuts. Anyhow, as per usual, enjoy the artworks~~~

February calendar V2.0

February calendar v1.0

This is the base artwork for the February calendar (coloured version)

This was another artwork which i made for the calendar, but ditched it because the colouring for the clothes is a bit off...
Candidate artwork for March, original version...

... and the coloured one. Not good. Will have to re-colour it again
Compilation of all for this blog entry~~~