Saturday, July 26, 2008

Coincidence or discrimination?

Went to the shop today to find a pair of sneakers for use on the track day tomorrow. Strangely enough, i found myself in a deja-vu. I can't seem to find one that fits me. The strange thing is, they have sizes for smaller feet (up to 9 or 10) and they have big ones (13 upwards), but the never seem to have for the middle bit (11&12), the size i'm using.
For heavens sake, is this a coincide AGAIN or is it a matter of discrimination against us lot with the 'somewhere in the middle' sized feet?
Guess it's time to find out...


Anonymous said...

it's not a matter of discrimination but it's just your size fall to the 'average size of malaysian's feet' category therefore it sold out faster.

same applied to the girl's size, size 6 and 7 will always out of stock =)

Badruz said...

Hahaha... i know it's not a discrimimantion. I just wanted to use a snazzy word to grab attention.

Likewise, it's not the end of the world if i can't get any shoe of my size... i just need to head to the 'pasar malam'. Sure got lah~