Wanted to buy a new full-face helmet to complement the new gloves and seat i bought for Aoi-chan, but due to some complications i might not be able to buy one for the time being. Oh well, with a market in one hand and the white helmet on the other, i started sketching on it whilst admiring my recently bought Haruhi Metamo Figure.
The result is really inspiring, but on the Haruhi case not so. It seems that her costume will change colour at 16degrees celsius; below that black and above it white. In the pic below you can see that the costume is still white meaning that the temperature is still above 16, despite the pic taken at 2:30am. Rats! And i don't even have aircon.
Going back on the helmet, it seems that with the marker i can basically draw on anything i like, or dislike for that matter. Which is good; as soon as i get bored (naturally) or bored with something, i can 'enhance' it using a marker pen. Nice!
...but, i'll avoid rubbing this new frenzy on Aoi-chan. Don't want her to get 'enhanced'!!! Yikes!
The helmet, enhanced by yours truly~
...and the forever going to be in white costume Haruhi Metamo Figure
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